Greed at It’s Finest (ARTICLES)

The basic tenet in this world is to live and let live.  Yes, because all religions teach men to be selfless and share whatever they have to fellow human beings.  No one in writing, would teach another to keep food or money and not share with others. But since man learned the value of saving, greed started  to creep into the hearts of every human person.

But the irony of the teaching is the reality of life. People only work to survive. People would even tell a lie just to prove that they’re being just prudent, but not necessarily greedy. Actually, man really just wanted to be prudent, but the good effects of prudence led to greed.  The positive attitude of saving led some people to, not just save, but make more money, just for the purpose of keeping it because of the happiness they feel upon the knowledge that they have a lot of stock of money and other things they can have, although others might need them very badly.

But then, insatiability became a trend since time immemorial. Man wanted to have just the basics; food, clothing, and shelter to protect himself from natural disasters.  Then, he started to save for medicines lest he gets ill in the future.  Then it became a norm to keep these things or else the “poor” might steal them.

Rich people learned to keep things and money for themselves, taking more of what they can consume.  Rich people started to do business and learned the art of deceit.  Poor people became ingenuous and thought of ways on how to get even with rich people by learning how to steal, rob, or  kidnap.

“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed”.


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