Earthtime Budget (ARTICLES)

Many people spend their whole time thinking about the purpose why they’re here on earth.  Come to think of it. Only very few ones are given this rare opportunity to exist and still, they’re questioning it!  Think of it again! Will it do you better if you knew! Or I bet those who are insisting they knew the purpose of their existence only pretended to know-it-all. No Sir, No Mam.  You were born because it happened and it was even a miracle you were! So stop ditching out about life and it’s purpose.

What you have to do instead, is to live the way you had been doing, and in case some feelings of discontentment happens, go another way.  A way in which you think life can’t screw with you anymore.  Just one good piece of advice: Don’t kill anyone along the way.  If you get hungry, ask for some food. If nobody gives, do some trade, study, learn, but never kill. Killing will hamper your way, I’m telling you.  Asking help won’t.  This will help even if you were born an orphan.

First 40 years of life is a hit and miss. You can hit it early, you can hit it late.  If you never did, 20 years is reserved for another option and you can do things better capitalizing on the presupposed wisdom out of the first 40 years.  Yeah, if you’re lucky to be sixty, celebrate! Because most people who killed themselves getting rich could have gotten cancer or brain tumor because of stress.  While you’re at it, stay strong, and go on. I’ve seen a man exercising and doing modeling at 80. It wasn’t bad. But I don’t think many will reach that age. Try 60. Just perfect.  Another ten years and enjoy being with nature. Plant, read, sing, be thankful! Eat a little. This age won’t allow heavy meals or longer naps. Just wait for the right moment.  The perfect moment.  When nature calls, you’re ready! Accept death with open arms.


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