Supermoon (ARTICLES)

People differ in beliefs.  They do differ in points of view.  Each one moulded by culture, each moulded by what they’ve been through.  This time something so exciting happened just barely a week ago when the so-called supermoon appeared in the tropical skies.  In my mind, some creature did something to alter people’s lives.

Much as I detest superstition, sometimes even the scientific fails to derail me.  Yes, now I’m sure there’s something within, and maybe even without. I got a message via SMS telling me to go out and take advantage of the supermoon which comes out only every 70 years.  For me this is something that disturbs my very limited amount of “me” time which is the only time that I get to do chores and some pleasures I only get from going online. However, I hate to disappoint people, so here it goes, and I went out just as what he’d wanted me to do and did what I think was a kind of inutility on my part.

I did and spent a little short of thirty minutes because there would be times that the moon would hide behind the clouds.  I couldn’t say I noticed something spectacular or extraordinary.  For me It was just an ordinary full moon just quite a bit bigger in size than an ordinary full moon.  But from the time that I started looking at it,  Some remarkable things happened in my life. 

Much as I hate to even contemplate on it, I feel some things coming around.  At the moment, there are  perspectives and important things giving way to new and greener opportunities and they started falling on my lap.  Propriety dictates that I do not disclose these things but it’s true. That  night created some sort of miracles for me.


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